Facing an Uncertain Future; Fundraising during COVID-19

The past six months have dramatically shifted every aspect of our world.  Organizations and businesses faced layoffs, budget adjustments, and uncertain futures all while completely shifting the way teams and employees work.  For nonprofits, as the end of the year approaches, now is a critical time to reassess how to close out this year by reviewing and reaffirming priorities, listening to your grantors or donors, and thinking ahead to prepare for a successful next start to FY21. 

No one has been more greatly impacted by COVID-19 than the most vulnerable populations who already face inequitable and systemic challenges.  During this time, organizations need to reaffirm their priorities and mission to ensure they are deeply thinking about meeting the most pressing needs of these populations.  Don’t assume the strategies and tactics that have worked in the past are the same ones to continue throughout the year or are still the ones needed by the communities being served.

As funders and donors also approach the end of the year, they are very likely in a similar position of reassessing where they give support.  Perhaps areas of focus for them have shifted and they are now looking to give more directly to areas of need that have arisen due to COVID-19.  Technology access, racial justice, food insecurity, and social-emotional health and well-being for students and teachers are a few areas that have never more been important.

The best way to get ahead for FY21 is to start brainstorming and setting up multi-stage campaigns now that can launch as soon as the new year is here.  While there are several unknowns, staying in dialogue with both supporters and communities can provide useful predictions for what the next year could bring.  

One thing that is certain is having a plan and campaigns that are prepared in advance and nimble enough to adjust to the times will give organizations the boost they need for a strong start to the coming year.

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