Talent Capacity and Strategy

Talent acquisition, compensation & retention strategies
The Stronger Team works with you to attract and retain the right team by:
- Building a relevant staffing plan that accounts for future growth needs
- Recruiting high-quality team members
- Retaining your high-performing team
- Strengthening your compensation, benefits, talent acquisition, and human resources processes
Your talent is one of the most critical asset to your organization.
The Stronger team conducts a talent capacity and strategy audit and co-labors with you to devise and execute plans to achieve your talent strategy and capacity goals!
Stronger Talent and Capacity Audit
The Stronger Talent and Capacity Audit covers the following:

Reviews your agency’s compensation strategies and benefits, benchmarking them against similar or aspirational organizations.

Assesses your Human Resources processes and policies, organizational culture, and DEI implementation

Establishes staffing plans to account for agency growth.